What Production Can Your Business Choose From?

Production is the term used to describe the type of content and it’s creation. It’s the process in deciding which medium to choose and the steps to having it brought to life. Businesses need to ensure that the type of production is synchronised to their offering, so that it reaches its desired audience. In saying this, it is important to recognise the types of production offered by Content Creation companies in order to make the most suited investment. 


Brand/Promotional Video 

If you are looking to show the world who you are, it’s done with a brand or promotional video. Whether for a website, marketing campaign or across social media channels, combine a broad array of visual and audio clips to cast an intimate portrayal of your brand, evoking a resonant familiarity in your audience.

Educational Video 

As one of the most effective tools in education, video will engage your audience and provide insight to services. From conception to the final product, it’s important to remain engaged throughout the process to ensure the video is informative and a highly-engaging educational learning experience. This production is suited for all forms of social media and websites. 


If you are looking to build trust and strengthen your relationship with your audience, look to high-quality . Spanning from testimonials to internal case studies, these documented, analytical videos will provide genuine feedback that allow vital insight to your audience.

Event Coverage 

Whether a corporate event, live-stream, seminar or even a social celebration, event coverage video allows you to engage your audience through a mobile/web medium. Especially considering the change of standards in events during recent times, video production allows your business to uniquely interact with your audience. 


Every business needs photography. Whether it be for social media platforms, websites or other online and print mediums, photography is a visual representation of your company and its offering. From headshots, product photography or even event coverage, this choice of production is a cost effective and a vital content piece to consider. 


Podcasts are becoming increasingly necessary to inform the interested consumer. The medium caters to this audience with a more relaxed, long form style of candid conversation (that can be re-contextualised into short clips). In addition to audio, we opt to film podcasts to create multi-platform consistency between your content. 

To find out what type of production best suits your business, get in touch with our team today for a free consultation.


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